Premoniția din "Colectiv" care arata vremurile in care traim azi: "We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive/ Cause the day we give in is the day we die!"

Postat la: 29.10.2021 - 18:57

La concertul trupei "Goodbye to Gravity" din clubul "Colectiv", unde s-a produs tragedia in care au murit 65 de persoane, s-a lansat un album in care melodia principala era pe versurile din refren: "We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive/ Cause the day we give in is the day we die!" ("Nu suntem numere suntem liberi, suntem vii/ Caci in ziua in care cedam este ziua in care murim!"

La acea vreme (30 octombrie 2015) s-a vorbit despre premonitia pe care au avut-o membrii trupei (dintre care doar unul a supravietuit, solistul vocal) care parca si-ar fi prevazut sfarsitul. Dupa 6 ani, insa, pare mai degraba că a fost o clarviziune asupra vremurilor pe care le traim azi, cand libertatile si drepturile sunt calcate in picioare, oamenii nu mai sunt liberi si au ajuns sa fie simple "numere"... Sunt "numere" de vaccinati, de nevaccinati, de infectati si neinfectati, de morti in spitale, morti de boala cronica, nu numai de Covid, morti in incendii etc. La fel de interesant este ca dupa acel incendiu care se dovedeste a fi fost provocat de o mana criminala, Klaus Iohannis a rostit celebra fraza: "A fost nevoie sa moara oameni ca Guvernul sa demisioneze!" Si Iohannis sa aiba primul "Guvernul Meu", cu Dacian Ciolos. Peste ani, 5 la numar, a fost nevoie "sa moara alti oameni" ca acelasi Klaus Iohannis sa aiba iarasi "Guvernul Meu" si de atunci tot mor oameni... Redam in cele ce urmeaza versurile piesei "The day we give in is the day we die!", spre a se vedea cat sunt ele de actuale, impreuna cu videoclipul (care are si versurile in limba romana):

"Let go and beg for freedom
Another row jumping into the flame
Loose lips are shifting leaders
From here on out everyone is to blame
I'm looking up to my company
A full blown artillery
Keep the sights on the enemy
And bust the lid off anarchy
Your condescending demeanor has all gone wrong
Figured you should have known this all along
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive (so alive)
'Cause the day we give in is the day we die (the day we die)
Behold, a credo wavering
A sleight of hand is the dogma they preach
Beneath, a conscience's fading
To even out all your steady beliefs
Stand your ground in the battle zone
Filled with life, bone and scorn
Clench your fists, I'm battle prone
Pull the trigger and set the tone
Your condescending demeanor has all gone wrong
Figured you should have known this all along
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive (so alive)
'Cause the day we give in is the day we die (the day we die)
Pull that trigger
Fuck all your wicked corruption
It's been there since our inception, but we couldn't see
All the times we've felt so hollow
As our hopes were hanged in gallows
All this time we've been locked away
And there was nothing left to say
Until today
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive (so alive)
'Cause the day we give in is the day we die (the day we die)
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive (so alive)
'Cause the day we give in is the day we die (the day we die)"


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